Consumer law / Advertising / Product regulations
Online and off line, Panta Rhei secures your contracts and recommends practices towards consumers as well as your commercial communications, ensures the regulatory compliance of your offers, assists you in your relations with the authorities (DGCCRF, DDPP) and in dispute resolutions.
Here are a few examples of issues we can handle
Contracts with consumers
We write the conditions of sale, terms of use, privacy policy of your e-shop. We advise you on the compulsory contractual process and the implementation of the withdrawal right, we warn you on abusive clauses.
We advise you to deliver the right pre-contractual information, to provide appropriate warranty conditions and to avoid unfair terms.
We interpret these new provisions in order to help you fulfill these new obligations towards consumers.
We review your documents, alert you on the risks they raise with regard to French law and suggest you alternative wording.
Product regulations/conformity, quality and safety
- We advise on EU and Fr specific product regulations, review your products & services labeling (mandatory labelling, claims and graphic representations) as well as all your off-pack communications.
- We assess the impact of the Fr Circular Economy Act on the design and presentation of your products, we help you avoid challenges on the ground of deceit or planned obsolescence.
- We inform you on the scope of the powers of the control authorities, DGCCRF & DDPP, help you to explain your position in case of challenge and represent you in court in the event of litigation (link to litigation).
- We assist you in crisis management: help in the choice of corrective measures and in handling contacts with the authorities and your business partners
- We advise you on the responses to provide in the event of consumer’s challenges.
Advertising & Consumer Unfair Commercial Practices
- We revise your promotions: price reductions, price personalization, sales, bonuses, joint offers and promotional games. We draft the terms and conditions of your promotions and review any ads.
- We advise you on the impact of the Egalim law on promotions in the food sector.
- We check the validity of your advertising campaigns: comparative advertising, or environmental claims. We review your communications and alert you to the impact of sector specific regulations (eg.: tobacco, alcohol, food, credit ...).
- We assess your commercial practices to limit the risks of misleading, aggressive or unfair consumer practices.
- We draft your joint promotions contracts and help you negotiate them.
- We draw up contracts such as those related to advertising activities or agency contracts, and we advise you on the Fr law specificities with regards to media purchase and programmatic advertising campaigns (Sapin Act).
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